It is a great story! I was in a hurry so jumped ahead to see what happened! Very exciting (and brave!)

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Thanks for reading :-)

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well done Sarah again -the ultimate inspiration for runners at all ages - congrats :)

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hi Lynne! Thanks so much for reading! Can't believe a decade has passed since our 2012 race together. Are you still in Kanab?

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Your running stories are so inspiring! I cant imagine feeling so tired, the headlamp you thought you were picking up turned out to be a snake!!

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Great story... Very descriptive

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Thank you for reading! Believe it or not, this is actually an abridged version. The longer original version is on my old blog, TheRunnersTrip.com. I cut out a lot of description that got pretty wacky and tangential. At 5000 words, this "shorter" version is still too long for an email post but so be it.

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I'm finally getting into the ultra habit now that I'm in my 70s. Should have entered the scene earlier. I am hooked now though. The dogs and I have always covered many miles, so guess that has been my training.

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Jealous of the accomplishment and, more so, the experience. What a great race recap. Super belated congrats on your multi-stage race win!

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