omg! those race ready shorts...yes! I don't even know where I got them but they were so baggy and goofy looking on me :)

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Awesome post. I too have a crazy gray…. Well for now he is brown Arabian 1.5 year old that I hope to do some endurance with once he is old enough if he doesn’t kill me in training 🤣🤞🏻

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Loved this article. Thank you!

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A Timex Ironman watch. Those were the days, my friend...

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I wore a Timex Ironman each of the three times (2012, '14, '19) I did the week-long self-supported 170-mile Grand to Grand Ultra, because we were off the grid that week and there's no way to charge devices (and I didn't want to carry the extra weight of a solar charger for my Garmin). The watch was delightful in its simplicity. I just needed at stopwatch, and then I'd do the math in my head to estimate distance covered between checkpoints. It worked!

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Great stuff! I wore old school waist belt bottle holders at WS in 2006 just as the Nathan hydration pack craze started, while also lugging the heavy, white plastic Ultimate Direction handheld bottles in my handheld straps. And I didn't wear a GPS watch until 2019. LOL. Also your piece on Sheena is masterful. What a story we need right now!

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Thank you Sophie for reading ... as always, I love & appreciate your insights and experiences!

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My first gps watch was the Timex one with the antenna unit (size of a deck of cards) that you strapped onto your upper arm - the 305 was a magical step forward.

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I don’t think I ever knew about a Timex with an antena!

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Oh My Gosh I certainly remember the Race Ready shorts with all the little pockets!! Loved them! (and I still have a few in old drawers if anyone wants the vintage artifacts, elastic probably shot) and the Amphopod belts (those came a little later) and those early handhelds with pockets... Before those, I used to carry swiped-from-fast-food-places ketchup and mustard squeeze plastic containers to carry small amounts of water.... Great memories for us old-timers!

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Condiment squeeze bottles to carry water?!?! I hadn’t heard of that before 😂

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Ohhh I've been meaning to pick up a copy of Eve and I will have to listen to that episode of Fresh Air. I think I missed my calling too! So many more things I would study if I went back to school today!

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