Loved this! I'm the oldest runner in my pack of running pals. Some are in their 30s, a few in their 40s, one or two in the their 50s. They humor me by listening patiently to my ultra stories of crewing at Barkley or pacing at WS, and I bring up the rear on our training runs, grateful to have a faster group to train with. When I can, I host training runs for newbies and, like you, I make sure everyone feels included, regardless of pace or experience. As a new generation of trail runners take over the reins of my beloved Virginia Happy Trails Running Club (VHTRC), I still try to ensure that everyone learns basic trail running ethos. I may "look" 60 but I feel 40, so I'm going to act like it :-) As for springtime, I'm loving the blooming of the eastern redbuds and the dogwoods right now. 40-50 degrees at sunrise and 70 degrees at sunset --- it's the most beautiful time of year in Virginia. I'm jealous that you are running the Alpine marathon/Kendall Mtn double and volunteering for HR --- I'd join you in a heartbeat but that may have to wait until 2024 (recovering from the wedding in October and dealing with Rusty's parents health issues). Cheers to springtime in the mountains!

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Loved this. Very inspirational!!

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thanks for reading!

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It's funny how we default to "What's the worst that can happen?" when almost ALWAYS the worst never happens in any new situation lol.

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Nice!! Please record it Sarah :) I can’t join since I’ll have an evening event!

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