Perfect resume builder - Leadership and coordination of a daily plan in a team environment, time management , asset management during “husbandry” of livestock, and independent problem solving for diverse client needs to ensure safety and delivery of a quality experience. Boom. Not to mention the ability to communicate and train clients effectively in unfamiliar surroundings. That’s a deep toolbox and Fortune 500 companies are hungry for agile thinkers so your boy’s is going to have something for blue chip employers to drool over...or something else. Anyway, great reading. Cheers SLS.

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Awesome!!! And your book came yesterday, can’t wait for my next day off. I’ll take any advice your son has on a bat shit crazy but still lovable yearling Arab 🤣

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Thanks so much for getting my book and I hope you find it helpful!

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I teared up reading the parenting part. Thank you so much Sarah for this beautiful reminder:

"that my son and daughter do best when I get out of their way and they figure things out on their own, following their interests."

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Great Post! Love the connection you feel with the Boulder running community and, especially, love Kyle mustache! If you haven't already, you need to read Jim Galvin's memoir "The Meadow" which mostly takes place outside of Tie Siding, on the Colorado/Wyoming border. Lovely writing. The rural, cowboy experience at its best (even if Jim is a Swarthmore grad and married to the poet, Jori Graham. an east-coaster if there ever was one.

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Luv the parenting advice to let your kids navigate through their own mistakes! Also very happy for Kyle’s enthusiasm working with horses in a service industry. My son Justin has been in the service industry all his life and raises his family well with that background!

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I've been on Sanitas and wondered "is everyone else here a pro or what?" Thanks for confirming that, I feel slightly less of a slowpoke now. Also the road to Kremmling and on up to Laramie is a favorite, so glad you could see it. Last time I followed a moose moseying down the highway into Walden. Such beautiful country.

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Thanks for reading! It sounds like we have a lot in common.

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