I love my body at 53, and what it is capable of doing, even now that I am recovering from surgery. Being able to stay ahead of my PT by a week or two and beating him to all suggestions (after researching the real papers online, of course, and utilizing my own MD and athletic background), and still seeing his surprise affirms that nothing beats consistency. Screw wrinkles and menopausal belly, we rock, ladies.
Thanks for the reminder to love my aging body and be grateful for what it can do. (I hear you ti 54 by about 6 months!) I needed to hear it because this weekend Chris spent a lot of time around his ex (who crewed for Chris and Dylan at AR50) and came home telling me how great she looked, how she’s lost weight, etc. 🤔 Then I find out she’s had a major facelift! Most of me thinks that’s vain and pathetic, but I can’t deny that part of me feels wildly insecure about it and now can’t stop seeing my wrinkles and sagging skin, and worrying about whether I’m developing a menopause belly.
I love your comment and Olga's too. Thanks for admitting you feel wildly insecure but hopefully you let go of that feeling after admitting it. Hope you can make the April 13 paid subscriber zoom; Olga will be a guest on it. More details to come.
As always, I am grateful to have friends that are sharing this "getting older time of life" with me. I run mostly alone or with a fun group of 30-40-something men and women, so it's comforting to come here and know I am not alone when I start down the rabbit hole of negative thinking -- "I'm so slow!" "Ugh, I feel 30 even though I look 60" etc etc. I also loved reading your reflections and memories-within-memories as they help bring me back to those years -- driving the kids to everything, helping them navigate the friendship stuff, celebrating the milestones of childhood. Thank you, Sarah.
As always such an insightful enjoyable read! Loved the pics of the Sawpit store & Colly in circus attire. Those are some great childhood memories from the “tarpaper shack”.
I love my body at 53, and what it is capable of doing, even now that I am recovering from surgery. Being able to stay ahead of my PT by a week or two and beating him to all suggestions (after researching the real papers online, of course, and utilizing my own MD and athletic background), and still seeing his surprise affirms that nothing beats consistency. Screw wrinkles and menopausal belly, we rock, ladies.
Olga YOU rock! So grateful you'll be on our subscriber zoom in a week! Thanks for reading & commenting!
Thanks for the reminder to love my aging body and be grateful for what it can do. (I hear you ti 54 by about 6 months!) I needed to hear it because this weekend Chris spent a lot of time around his ex (who crewed for Chris and Dylan at AR50) and came home telling me how great she looked, how she’s lost weight, etc. 🤔 Then I find out she’s had a major facelift! Most of me thinks that’s vain and pathetic, but I can’t deny that part of me feels wildly insecure about it and now can’t stop seeing my wrinkles and sagging skin, and worrying about whether I’m developing a menopause belly.
*beat you to 54. Sorry, typing on my phone. 🤪
I love your comment and Olga's too. Thanks for admitting you feel wildly insecure but hopefully you let go of that feeling after admitting it. Hope you can make the April 13 paid subscriber zoom; Olga will be a guest on it. More details to come.
As always, I am grateful to have friends that are sharing this "getting older time of life" with me. I run mostly alone or with a fun group of 30-40-something men and women, so it's comforting to come here and know I am not alone when I start down the rabbit hole of negative thinking -- "I'm so slow!" "Ugh, I feel 30 even though I look 60" etc etc. I also loved reading your reflections and memories-within-memories as they help bring me back to those years -- driving the kids to everything, helping them navigate the friendship stuff, celebrating the milestones of childhood. Thank you, Sarah.
Sophie thank you so much for always reading my stuff & for relating to it. I wish we lived near each other!
As always such an insightful enjoyable read! Loved the pics of the Sawpit store & Colly in circus attire. Those are some great childhood memories from the “tarpaper shack”.